
Events (2024)

Alexandria goes to Greece

Islam Issa takes his bestselling book on Alexandria to Greece, where it will be celebrated for winning the prestigious Runciman Award. As well as the keynote Anglo-Hellenic League Lecture entitled The Alexandrian Dream, the event will also introduce the new Greek translation of Alexandria.
British School of Athens, Athens 
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Dec 9
7. p.m.
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Waterstones Christmas Evening

Waterstones presents its annual Christmas Evening. Filled with festivities, including mince pies, Christmas related activities, and the chance to meet some of your favourite authors and get a signed copy of the new paperback edition of Islam Issa's Alexandria – the perfect Christmas present. 
Waterstones, Birmingham
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Dec 3
5. p.m.
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Echoes of the Silk Road

In this expert panel, Islam Issa, Bettany Hughes and Colin Thubron explore the legendary cities of Alexandria, Istanbul and Samarkand. An event related to the British Library exhibition, A Silk Road Oasis: Life in Ancient Dunhuang.
British Library, London
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Nov 7
7. p.m.
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ASMEA Prize Panel

As a finalist for the ASMEA's Bernard Lewis Prize for a work elucidating the history of anti-Semitism, Islam Issa presents groundbreaking findings on ancient Alexandria from his bestselling book.
Marriott Georgetown, Washington DC
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Nov 3
9. a.m.
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UNAM Centennial Lecture

Islam Issa will deliver the keynote lecture at a colloquium celebrating the 100th anniversary of the School of Philosophy and Literature at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the Spanish-speaking world's leading university. It will take place at UNAM’s flagship campus, a UNESCO World Heritage Site built 70 years ago. 
UNAM, Mexico  City 
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Aug 23
6. p.m.
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Future of Humanities: a conversation

Islam Issa is in conversation with Jean-Frédéric Schaub of the Paris Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, discussing the impact of the digital humanities and artificial intelligence on the field of humanities to date and in the future.
UNAM, Mexico  City 
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Aug 21
11. a.m.
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Alexandria @ Charleston Festival

Joined by Seven Wonders author Bettany Hughes,  Islam Issa will discuss his new book on Alexandria and how these ancient monuments created a rich cultural legacy that has shaped the military and political history of the last two millennia. Hosted by Naoíse Mac Sweeney.
Charleston in Firle, East Sussex
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May 22
1. p.m.
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Alexandria @ HistFest

The biggest history festival in London hosts an event on the long and fascinating history of Alexandria and Islam Issa's new book, Alexandria: The City that Changed the World. In conversation with Michael Wood.
British Library, London
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Apr 14 3. p.m.
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Panelist @ Renaissance Society of America

A Milton Society of America roundtable at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, to consider changing role of teaching and writing about the work of John Milton within the academic profession and in different contexts across the world. 
Palmer House Hilton, Chicago
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Mar 23
9. a.m.
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Bettany Hughes in conversation with Islam Issa

Award-winning historian Bettany Hughes discusses her latest book, The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, in conversation with Islam Issa, author of the Sunday Times and TLS Book of the Year, Alexandria. Bettany and Islam will also be signing copies of their books.
Waterstones, Birmingham 
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Jan 23
6. p.m.
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Events (2023)

Waterstones Christmas Evening

Waterstones presents its annual Christmas Customer Evening. Filled with festivities, including mince pies, Christmas related activities, and the chance to meet some of your favourite authors and get a signed copy of Islam Issa's Alexandria – the perfect Christmas present. 
Waterstones, Birmingham
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 Dec 5
5 p. m.
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Alexandria Book Signing

Hear from Islam Issa as he talks about Alexandria, which has been named as one of the Waterstones Books to Read in 2023 and the History Hit Book of the Month.  He will also be available to sign copies of the book.
Waterstones Harborne, Birmingham
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 Nov 23
6 p. m.
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Alexandria Book Launch

Celebrate the launch of Islam Issa’s most recent book, Alexandria, alongside the author himself. With a cast of characters featuring Cleopatra and Napoleon and spanning millennia of innovation, warfare and cultural achievement, Issa's wide-ranging history of Alexandria paints an unforgettable picture of an iconic city. 
Waterstones, Birmingham
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 Nov 2
6 p. m.
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Special Lecture @ University of Iowa

As part of Iowa's First Folio 400th anniversary celebrations, Islam Issa delivers a special lecture and discussion on the travels of Shakespeare. Hosted by the Departments of English, History, Religious Studies; International Programs and the Division of World Literatures and Cultures.
University of Iowa, Iowa City
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Oct 27 3 p.m.
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Guest Lecture @ Mandel Center for Humanities

A special guest talk at Brandeis University's Mandel Center for Humanities,  in which Islam Issa considers the history, ownership, and reception of Shakespeare. This event is followed by lunch.
Brandeis University,  Waltham
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Oct 23
12 p.m.
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The SRS Annual Lecture

Islam Issa delivers the prestigious SRS Annual Lecture and the Society for Renaissance Studies' 10th Biennial Conference's opening plenary. In a conference themed Difficult Pasts, this talk reflects on researching in difficult presents. The event is followed by the opening reception.
International Slavery Museum, Liverpool
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July 19
5 p.m.
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Speaker @ International Milton Symposium

The thirteenth International Milton Symposium brings together scholars of John Milton from around the world for the biggest gathering of its kind. Professor Islam Issa will share research on Milton's divorce tracts.
Old Victoria College, Toronto
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July 13
9 a.m.
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Events (2022)

Host @ RSC "Much Ado About Nothing" Director Talk

Islam Issa hosts the pre-show event for Much Ado About Nothing, showing at the Royal Shakespeare Company. An on-stage Q&A discussion with the play's director Roy Alexander Weise about his RSC debut, offering insight into the process of creating and staging the play.
The Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon
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Feb 11,
5 p.m.
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Events (2021)

Shakespeare and Terrorism Book Launch

An event hosted by Shakespeare's Birthplace to launch Islam Issa's new book, Shakespeare and Terrorism. How have extremists responded to Shakespeare's work? How have they attacked him or even been inspired by him?
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, online via Zoom
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Nov 10,
5 p.m.
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Panelist @ Shakespeare, Race 
& Pedagogy

An online event which seeks to share, celebrate, and reinvigorate approaches to the teaching and study of Shakespeare's plays. "Everything to Everybody": Exploring the Library of Birmingham Collection. 
Online via Zoom
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Feb 17,
6 p.m.
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Events (2020)

Panelist @ York CREMS
"What's Wrong with the Renaissance"?

Bringing together five scholars, this round-table will ask what's wrong with the Renaissance, as a literary discipline (and as a concept), addressing the curriculum, race and the realities of the academy for scholars of colour. Sponsored for the Society for Renaissance Studies. 
Online via Zoom
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Oct 1,
5 p.m.
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Host @ RSC "The Whip" Director Talk

Islam Issa hosts the pre-show event for The Whip, showing at the Royal Shakespeare Company. An on-stage Q&A discussion with the play's author Juliet Gilkes Romero and its director Kimberley Sykes, offering the audience an insight into the process of creating and staging the play. 
The Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon
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Feb 10,
5 p.m.
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Speaker @ MLA 2020

A panel hosted by the 17th Century Literature group entitled "Seventeenth-Century Race Thinking: Rights and Law". The MLA Convention is the largest international gathering of language and literature scholars.  Dr Islam Issa talks about orientalise adaptation of Milton.
Washington State Convention Center, Seattle
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Jan 10,
10 a.m.
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Events (2019)

Literary Reception: two-day course

A two-day course on "Literary reception: hegemony, ownership and appropriation". Featuring an exclusive screening, it seeks to answer such questions as: why does literary reception matter and what can it tell us about the world around us? 
National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City
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Nov 19,
4 p.m.
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Speaker @ Pacific Ancient & Modern Language Association

An invited speech as part of a panel on public Shakespeareanism. A reflection on the rationales and narratives of public-facing work and how to make Shakespeare relevant. 
Wyndham San Diego Bayside, San Diego
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Nov 16,
10 a.m.
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Speaker @ International Milton Symposium

The twelfth International Milton Symposium brings together scholars of John Milton from around the world for the biggest gathering of its kind. Dr Islam Issa will talk about Milton and Jacob Epstein's Lucifer statue.
Palais Universitaire, Strasbourg
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June 17,
4 a.m.
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Speaker @ Shakespeare Institute 

The renowned Shakespeare Institute runs a series of Thursday seminars given by members of staff and invited speakers. Dr Islam Issa talks about "Shakespeare and Arab Popular Culture".
The Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon
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Mar 21,
2 p.m.
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Events (2018)

Speaker @ HistFest 2018

Drawing upon his award-winning research, Dr Islam Issa maps the literary and cultural consequences of censure, translation and abridgement to tell the fascinating history of Shakespeare and Milton in the Arab world. HistFest will entertain and educate! 
Marx Memorial Library, London
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Dec 8,
4 p.m.
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Panelist @ HistFest 2018

This panel will address historic notions of "borders, identities and migration" to see how they have shaped history. Chaired by acclaimed novelist Michael Hughes, confirmed panellists include: Dr Adam Rutherford, Dr Rachel Leow, Professor Tanja Bueltmann, and Dr Islam Issa.
etc.venues, The Hatton, London
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Dec 8,
1 p.m.
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Speaker @ On Difficulty Symposium

2018 marks the fortieth anniversary of George Steiner’s influential essay ‘On Difficulty’ (1978). Steiner’s four categories of difficulty will offer a starting-point for discussion during the symposium, ‘On Difficulty in Early Modern Literature’, which includes several invited speakers.
KCL, London
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Oct 26,
1 p.m.
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Panelist @ "Rahm" film screening

Film screening of the award winning Anglo Pakistani film Rahm, followed by a panel discussion on ‘Global Shakespeare' with writer and producer Mahmood Jamal, director Ahmed Jamal, Islam Issa and Roberta Garrett.
SOAS, London

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Oct 9,
7 p.m.
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Facilitator @ RSC's Radical Mischief

The Royal Shakespeare Company's "Radical Mischief" conference is an unmissable opportunity for an urgent and open conversation about what thought and theatre can do in our time.
The Other Place, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-upon-Avon
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July 20,
11 a.m.
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Keynote @ Muslim Police Association Annual Dinner

Muslim officers and staff are invited to the Muslim Police Association's annual dinner.
Eastern Pearl, Manchester

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July 6,
7 p.m.
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Keynote @ LTS Conference

This conference, organised by the University of Nottingham’s Journal of Language, Texts and Society, seeks papers and posters on a wide range of topics related to the journal’s core themes.
University of Nottingham, Nottingham

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June 14,
10 a.m.
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Plenary @ BritGrad

Join us at BritGrad 2018 to hear plenary talks by
Peter Holland, Islam Issa, Clare McManus, and more. BritGrad is one of the biggest graduate conferences in the UK.
The Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon

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June 1,
10 a.m.
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Shakespeare in South Asia launch
(touring exhibition)

Shakespeare in South Asia is the first exhibition to go on show at the second city’s famous music college. The exhibition offers a glimpse of South Asia’s fascination with Shakespeare and his enduring influence on the cultures and lives of its people.
Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham
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Apr 17,
5 p.m.
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Shakespeare Connected launch:
Ageless Cleopatra exhibition

Have you ever wondered what research is going on into Shakespeare’s life and times, or what new stories we are discovering from our extensive collections? This exhibition offers a unique opportunity to those wanting to explore the latest on the famous Bard!
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon
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Apr 14,
10 a.m.
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New Generation Thinker Islam Issa:
When Shakespeare Travelled with Me

Reflecting on his travels and encounters around the Arab world, Islam Issa discusses how canonical English writers (Shakespeare and Milton) creep into the popular culture of the region today.
Sage Gateshead, Gateshead
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Mar 10,
5 p.m.
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Stories of Sacrifice exhibition launch
(touring exhibition)

From recruitment to burial, this groundbreaking exhibition developed by the British Muslim Heritage Centre gives an insight into the selfless sacrifice of Muslim soldiers, who contributed in the World War.
Manchester Central Library, Manchester
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Feb 7,
12 p.m.
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